Xelonxlf | Graphic work
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Graphic work

“Amor i Germanor” es una obra benéfica pensada para recaudar fondos que serán destinados a la reconstrucción del tejido asociativo de la mano de la Fundació Horta Sud. Es una Art Print especial de serie limitada en colaboración con LaImprentaCG, Impresa con Electrotinta en papel Fedrigoni Arena natural Rought 300gr. Tamaño 42 x 29,7cm (A3). Firmada, sellada y numerada por...

This exhibition, Robot Souls, has been tremendously gratifying for me. I devoted myself, body and soul, to delivering my best. I have tried to be on top of each detail and watched them with dedication. I was lucky that the gallery ArteUparte team sought me out for an individual show, and when the date was set, I knew I had...

ArteUparte interviews Xelon on the occasion of his next solo exhibition on November 1.   In a society steeped in technology on all sides, it is difficult to find an artist whose work relects better the domestic relationship between robots and humans. Why are you so interested by the android world? I have always liked to imagine the future and think about the...

  Working on my next solo exhibition "ROBOT SOULS" at ArteUparte Gallery. 1/11/2019. Tabakalera, Donostia/San Sebastián, Basque Country, Spain. Link: ArteUparte Gallery web I´m working in all the details & processes. Drawing the pieces (of course), designing the posters & advertising, designing the vinyls for the gallery walls and a more of the many details you can not imagine about the organization...

This is the new series that I am working on, I am very happy with the result and I think I am advancing in technique and in the way of understanding my own language. I am creating something that I feel very much my own and I know that it has endless of possibilities. This is just the beginning. I have a...

"Tantra Bot" 2017. Ink on paper. 40,4x29,5cm Piece available part of the collective show “Valencia en Papel” at Plastic Murs Gallery, Valencia. Plastic Murs Gallery Calle Denia 45, 40006. Valencia, Spain info@plasticmurs.com (+34) 96 336 31 32 Monday – Friday  17:00 – 21:00 Or by appointment....

"The firsts steps of a new robot" 2017. Ink on paper. 40,4x29,5cm Piece available part of the collective show “Valencia en Papel” at Plastic Murs Gallery, Valencia. Plastic Murs Gallery Calle Denia 45, 40006. Valencia, Spain info@plasticmurs.com (+34) 96 336 31 32 Monday – Friday  17:00 – 21:00 Or by appointment....

"Robots don't need mirrors"  2017. Ink on paper. 40,4x29,5cm Piece available part of the collective show "Valencia en Papel" at Plastic Murs Gallery, Valencia. Plastic Murs Gallery Calle Denia 45, 40006. Valencia, Spain info@plasticmurs.com (+34) 96 336 31 32 Monday – Friday  17:00 – 21:00 Or by appointment....

Robots have always fascinated me. Can there be more fun than drawing robots? You can invent robots any way you want. There are no beauty standards nor conventional proportions for robots and that affords me something I seek in my work: freedom. Robots are my fetish element, my lucky charm. With them I express my thoughts. I take them to whatever...